Analysis on Gene Difference Expression among Different Hosts Infected with Schistosoma Japonicum by Genome Oligonucleotide Microarray 利用芯片技术分析不同宿主感染日本血吸虫前后基因的差异性表达
Study on the difference in expression profiles of microRNA among different organs of strawberry 草莓不同器官中microRNA表达差异研究
It is that there is the difference in expression way and daily dialogue to have! 还有就是表达方式和日常对话是有很大差异的!
Twenty-two percent of the examined genes showed significant difference in expression in the breast tissue of women who had never given birth compared with those who had. 被检测的基因在从未怀孕者和已怀孕者的乳腺组织间存在明显的差异。
Difference in expression of TFPI-2 mRNA and protein between hepatocellular carcinoma and normal hepatic tissue TFPI-2在肝癌和正常肝组织中表达的差异
The substance of thinking quality is the difference expression of the individual thinking ability, and also is the character difference that puts up during the time when activity of thinking occurs and develops. 思维品质的实质是个体思维能力的差异性表现,是在思维活动发生和发展的过程中表现出来的个性差异。
Gene Difference Expression Between Mice and Microtus fortis Infected with Schistosoma japonicum Using cDNA Microarrays 利用基因表达谱芯片研究东方田鼠和小鼠感染日本血吸虫前后基因的差异性表达
Difference Expression Gene Cloning, Screening and Identifying Related to the Dermal Wound Healing 皮肤创伤愈合相关差异表达基因的克隆、筛选及鉴定
There was no significant difference in expression of ConA, WGA receptors between two groups. 两组细胞的ConA、WGA凝集素受体的表达也无差异。
Conclusion: There was a significant difference in expression of FN and β 1 integrin between the endometrial adenocarcinoma and the normal endometrium tissue. 结论:子宫内膜腺癌组织FN和β1整合素表达与正常明显不同。
Comparison of the finite difference expression with the multiresolution expression for the second derivation 二阶导数的小波多分辨表示与有限差分表示比较
Heparin enzyme gene difference expression and lung cancer pathology type, phased and splitting up and shifting to study 肝素酶基因的差异性表达与肺癌的病理类型、分期、分化与转移研究
The FDTD algorithm is based on the finite difference expression of the set of Maxwell's time-dependent curl equations. FDTD算法的基本点是将Maxwell方程组的时变的旋度方程用差分形式来表述。
At the same time, we also studyed the different protein expressions under different pathophysiological status of liver and before and after application of multiple drugs, looked for and determined difference expression protein, which provided help for etiopathogenisis, progression of diseases and drug screening. 同时,对肝脏不同的病理生理状态下以及多种药物应用前后的不同的蛋白表达进行了研究,寻找并确定差异表达蛋白,对病因、疾病进程以及药物筛选等方面提供了帮助。
The K-Order Derivative Difference Expression of the Bezier Curve's End-points Bezier曲线端点的k阶导数的差分表达
Conclusion The difference expression genes of gastric cancer can be distinguished effectively with bioinformatics, and the results will guide our further molecular biology research. 结论充分利用生物信息学工具可以快速有效地筛选肿瘤差异表达基因,指导后续分子生物学实验研究。
The paper gives the difference expression of the k-order derivative on the n-power Bezier ( Curve's) end-points. It extends one or two-order derivative qualities to k-order. 本文给出了n次Bezier曲线端点处的K阶导数的差分表达式,从而将文[1][4]的一、二阶导性质推广到k阶。
These equations are derived with non& orthogonal curvilinear coordinates and by no-dimensional form. The general difference expression of energy equation, k and ε equations and entropy equation are adopted. 计算了扭曲叶片S2流面的湍流流场.在非正交曲线坐标可压湍流方程组中包含了以无量纲形式表示的能量方程,熵方程和K-ε湍流模型方程。
Objective To proceed deep data mining in large database obtained by Cancer Genome Anatomy Project and to distinguish the difference expression genes of gastric carcinoma. 目的对肿瘤基因组解剖计划获得的海量数据进行充分数据挖掘,筛选胃癌差异表达基因。
The integral-differential equation coupled with deflection W and reaction p is turned into an integral equation with W unknown and a difference expression with p unknown, and then the governing equation is obtained by using the difference discrete form based on the principle of virtual work. 相耦合的微分-积分方程化成一个求W的积分方程和一个求?的微分式子,然后采用基于虚功原理的差分离散格式,建立了支配方程。
Genechip technique was employed to screen and analyze the difference expression genes of the leukocytes in peripheral blood in the teenagers with kidney-yang asthenia constitution in order to explore the mechanism of kidney-yang asthenia constitution at the level of gene. 利用基因芯片技术筛选、分析青少年肾阳虚体质者外周血白细胞的差异表达基因,从基因水平初步探究青少年肾阳虚体质的机理。
Difference Expression of the Mitochondrial Protein Isolated from Liver of Carassius auratus Exposed to Hexachlorobenzene 六氯苯作用下鱼肝线粒体蛋白质表达差异研究
The difference of expression levels in root, stem and leaf tissues was analyzed by GUS activity assay, semi-quantitive RT-PCR and western blotting. The results indicated that the expression levels of fusion protein in root and stem tissues were significantly higher than those in leaf tissue. 通过GUS活性检测、半定量PCR和WESTERNBLOTTING分析了根、茎、叶组织中基因表达的水平,结果显示融合蛋白在根和茎组织中表达量显著高于叶组织。
RR ( relative risk) can be used to mine the genes with the difference expression. 利用相对风险RR(relativerisk)来挖掘具有显著差异性的表达基因。
According to the research of inflammation and other cancers, we found that the synthesis of SLeX was relevant to FUTs, and that FUTs had diversity and showed a certain difference expression with the temporal and stage [ 9-13]. 通过对炎症反应及其他癌症组织的研究,发现SLeX的合成与FUTs具有关联性,而FUTs也具有多样性,并呈现出一定的时态性和阶段性[9-13]。
The appearance of the difference expression result is likely associated with the interaction molecular mechanism between the host and the pathogen pine wood nematode. 这些差异的出现,可能与松材线虫侵染后寄主与病原互作的分子机制相关联。
The expression of PLGF in trophoblastic and decidual tissues in three groups: in three groups, there is significantly statistical difference in expression of PLGF in trophoblastic and decidual tissues ( P 0.01). PLGF在三组绒毛和蜕膜组织中的表达情况:PLGF在三组绒毛和蜕膜组织细胞中的表达差异均有统计学意义(P均0.01)。